Sunday, August 17, 2008

Harvest Crusade 2008

Summer Harvest Crusade 2008!!! What a memorable weekend.
But, before I go any further, let me just take my moment to
remember Christopher Laurie. Thursday, July 24th, 2008 was
the day that God took Christopher home to be with him. The
Harvest Crusade has the work of 'Topher' written all over it,
and sadly this will be the last year we will see his art.

Southern California Harvest 08 with Greg Laurie

This was the 18th or is it 19th year that the crusades have
been going on. What a blessing!!! And as impossible as this
sounds I have been there ALL those years!!! The weekend
should be dedicated to the life of Christopher Laurie. The
stadium was jam packed, not an empty seat in the house...
and it was at the Angel's Stadium!!! For those people who
were turned away due to over crowds, I hope you watched
from home!!!

'God Giveth, and God Taketh Away...Blessed Be The Name
of the Lord" "To God Be The Glory"

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